The Promise of Democracy and Our Collective Responsibility.
Growing up, my family had a tradition every election season: we would take trips down the street to the fire station to witness the democratic process in action. This was a moment steeped in significance, especially considering the sacrifices made by my grandfather and countless others who fought to make our democracy a reality. Though imperfect, our democracy is a tapestry woven from hope and bitterness, and it challenges us to dare to be one and to make that reality real.
My journey into public service began with a belief in the America I envisioned—a place often described as a shining city on a hill. However, the events of the past few years have deeply shaken that vision, exposing the cracks behind the veil many of us have peered through. I ultimately decided to leave government, feeling disillusioned by a system that seemed to leave us mired in mud, struggling to find our way through an endless abyss.
In the aftermath of that decision, I wrestled with the idea that my commitment to a truly functioning American democracy, one that lifts everyone and delivers on its promises of justice, might make me less invested in the people and causes I hold dear. And Yet, I have come to realize that bitterness can only carry me so far; most importantly, only those in the arena, working and struggling toward a world not yet— in small and big ways— can make real, sustainable change.
At my core, I am a scholar, thinker, writer, and witness. Each day, I grapple with the stark contrast between the world as it is and the world as I believe it should be. I recognize that if any democracy is to thrive in these United States, it is due to the relentless determination of Black individuals who have fought to claim this land—our land, inherited from our forefathers and foremothers. As a writer, I understand the weight of words. If we declare our intention to reclaim freedom and liberty, we must confront the realities of war abroad and the oppressive policing policies that have plagued us for decades.
Despite this understanding, I choose to live in hope. I strive to engage in the struggle alongside my community, seeking those spaces where we can experience true freedom, healing, and wholeness. That is why I cast my vote for Kamala Harris in her bid for the presidency—not because I expect her to solve all our problems, but because we are each other's hope.
Together, we must take our place in the arena, recognizing that our hearts will guide us in the right direction. My hope demands that I work tirelessly toward the world I envision. Let us embark on this journey together.